Functional Appliances


Perhaps the most versatile of functional appliances (known throughout Europe as "double plates"), they offer excellent patient compliance, and rapid mandibular repositioning. What makes it "perfect"? The unique Crozat clasp provides much better retention than the traditional Delta clasp.

Twin Block: Click for Larger Image

No one has more experience with functional orthodontic appliances than Murdock Laboratory.

Dwight Murdock has been designing and directing the fabrication of functional appliances since the mid sixties. In fact the very first bionator in the United states was made by Dwight.

You can trust Murdock Laboratory to design and create your functional appliances correctly.

Bionator: Click for Larger Image

The bionator remains a useful and popular appliance. Forerunner to the orthopedic corrector, it lacks the adjustment screws to advance the mandible. If the mandibular advancement screws are not needed, the bionator offers less bulk than the orthopedic corrector. Available as the bionator I, bionator II, and bionator III.


The orthopedic corrector is basically a bionator with two mandibular lateral screws to progressively advance the mandible. Highly effective in class II malocculusions, especially in the mixed dentition.

The orthopedic corrector I is made to increase the vertical. The orthopedic corrector II is for open bite and high angle cases. The orthopedic corrector II can be constructed with a tongue crib and/or a tongue ball to increase its effectiveness. The orthopedic corrector III is made to stabilize the vertical at neutral.

Orthopedic Corrector: Click for Larger Image